Agricultural Schedules

During my recent trip to the Family History library in Salt Lake City, I had the opportunity to look for my ancestors in the 1850, 1860, 1870, and 1880 census agricultural schedules. The agricultural schedules were among the non-population schedules taken in conjunction with the population schedules. Before reviewing the agricultural schedules, I was well aware that most of my ancestors were farmers. However, being a city person, I had no idea exactly what these farmers actually raised. Very small farms weren't included in the agricultural schedules, which may be why I was unable to find some of my ancestors, such as the Dudley family. On my maternal side, I was able to locate my 3rd great-grandmother, Mary E. Shaper, in Hamer Township, Highland County, Ohio on the 1850 schedule. She owned 75 acres, 20 of which were improved. She had two horses, two cows, eight sheep, and eight pigs and grew crorn. I had more success on my paternal si...